Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pieces of Paper

I don't know what it is with Sid, but we can't seem to break him of the habit of stealing socks. He usually tears holes in it. So far though, Sid hasn't eaten a hole in Steve's good socks. He still steals them out of the bedroom, but he doesn't damage them. Maybe he knows better. Steve is very particular about his socks. His favorite socks are called 'smart wool' hiking socks. They're made of merino wool.

Oh, there's another thing we can't seem to break him the habit of doing. And that's stealing napkins or wrappers or anything of that nature - he tears them into little pieces. I can hear him from the kitchen doing it. Sometimes he eats the napkin and I manage to get it out of his mouth half the time. Thank goodness he stopped ripping peoples clothes and scratching them with his big, rough nails. Alright. He hasn't completely stopped jumping up on people. He gets excited for the first few minutes and doesn't listen very well. Then he finally and more quickly (with age) lies down and chills. He's chewing his favorite red crate now. The crate will come up from time to time.

Voice of Sid: I was wired today! I loved it! Sometimes my humans are so much fun. Today, I stole a napkin - shredded it to pieces - *snicker* and didn't get busted for a long time. Then later, I saw a candy wrapper and I stole that too. They caught me right away. *shucks!* I was sorta bummed. I could've played around with them more and really made them mad but for some reason I let them get away with it this time.

*Please stop reading if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: Twice now this week, Sid's nuggets were 'kabobed'. In other words, he had somehow ingested one of my hairs and his nuggets came out looking like a string with balls attached. The nugs were broken. There were torn pieces. He didn't do well in the tapering department either but at least nothing was hanging out of his ass like last time. Yes, one of my hairs again. This update has been exceptionally disgusting.


sharlee said...

Hey there Gracie!

I'm having problems (or maybe Yahoo or Google is having problems) subscribing to your blog, I keep getting an error message telling me to try again -- so I will. I follow your other Google blog through the same Yahoo RSS feed (I think that's what it's called) and didn't have any problems with it.

Lizzie does the paper tearing too, Daisy just watches her and seems to be wondering what the heck is she doing that for. I call Liz my personal paper shredder.

Tell Sid he has a great blog!


sharlee said...

I forgot to say that Lizzie used to steal JC's socks, but she never damaged them. She does't steal his socks anymore, so maybe Sid will quit stealng Steve's socks. I did a Terrier Talk - I'm Mad As Hell blog that shows Liz with her stolen sock.