Sunday, November 30, 2008

In The Way

Steve was surfing through some channels last night looking for a good movie to watch. Sid kept getting in the way of the remote. He stands right in front of the satellite receiver so no matter where you are, you can't access it. Steve starts screaming "Honey!". I coaxed him over to me and then he went right back in front of the receiver. When Steve yelled, "Honey!" the third time, Sid went into a down position. He's on the couch next to Steve now.

Voice of Sid: Ha ha ha! I played a trick on my bigger human today. He was trying to watch TV and I stood right in front of it. I smiled at him and then he yelled at me. I was feeling naughty and kept smiling and staring at him. He kept yelling and he was getting all red in the face and I kept smiling. I went into a down only when I thought he was gonna stand up and shoo me away. I don't think he got my joke.

*Please stop reading if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: Ok, I just took him out and he made a decent pile. In detail. In order of output. A 4" segment, 1" segment, 2" segment then a final 3" segment. And he did a fair (not too much - dribbled instead of squirted) amount of spritzing.

Ya know how they have those anal glands and stuff. I never knew about that before Sid. I thought he was having a problem with his ass. And one day he couldn't stop attacking his ass and we brought him to the vet. They 'expunged' his anal glands. Squirted all over the floor. I asked the vet if this usually takes care of itself and she said yes (and made me feel like I wasted $). I think she sensed that and added, sometimes it gets clogged or stuck or something. So now when I see him attacking his ass I don't stop him cause I figure he needs to suck out his anal liquid. *laugh* Oh goodness, I'm so gross!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sid & His First Chardonnay

The darndest thing. I was actually having a glass of white wine chardonnay in a wine glass. *nose up in air* Anyway, as I was looking at Steve's computer screen, Sid came and took a few laps of my wine. (Ok. I'm lying. I saw him out of the corner of my eye but I was very curious and wanted to see his reaction.) I didn't even research whether or not dogs can tolerate a small amount of alcohol. Oh dear. Anyway, he licked his lips, went over to the couch - continuing to lick his lips - then he made hoarse coughing noises. I thought, oh my god! I killed my dog! Then he stopped and continued to lick his lips. I thought he didn't like it at all, however, he came over once again and looked at the wine glass. I'm bad again. I let him have a few licks. He licked his lips again but didn't cough. Steve is giving him some loving now. Sid always looks at me funny when Steve's petting him. Anyway, that's Sid's first chardonnay.

Voice of Sid: I had a strange experience today. My human had a glass filled with something. I got curious and went over. She was spacing out and tilted the glass slightly and it happened to line up perfectly with my tongue :P *friendly woof with a smile* :) I tasted it when she wasn't looking. It was weird. It smelled weird but I kept lingering over the glass. It wasn't that tasty but it made me feel nice. And it made my mouth all tingly. After I finished coughing my brains out, I went over and my human let me have another little lick. It didn't make me cough. But I still felt tingly. *burp*

*Please stop reading if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: His fecal consistency is more or less back to normal. His tapering is not bad but we've got to get his nuggets and segments back in shape. They still tear. Sid hasn't had a good one in a while. It's my fault that I spoil him with human food.

When Sid was in obedience school the instructor said do not feed him turkey unless and I forget what she said exactly...but something about a fire out of his ass. So what did I do? I fed him turkey and she was right. (He'll still get turkey next year but less of it.)

Friday, November 28, 2008

What's a pizzle?

Thank goodness we had turkey to feed Sid last night. We'd run out of dog food earlier that day. So today we had to go to the Feed Barn (local pet suppy store) and stock up on his Nutro natural choice dry food, nutro maxx mini bones and we got him a pizzle. Steve picked it up. It was about 12" long and really hard. It looked like all the other chewy sticks and such by the cash register. Anyway, Steve grabbed it and asked the cashier what is was.

Steve: "What's a pizzle? Is it like the bull's tail?
Cashier: *pause* Uhhh, it's a little more personal than that. *blush*

Okay, so despite knowing what it was we still got it because the cashier said that dogs go crazy over it. And we believed him. Steve presented it to Sid at home and he took it to the living room. He hasn't done a thing since. I tried to encourage him to play with it, to chew it but he wasn't having that. I tried. *shrug*

Voice of Sid: My humans left me home alone all day today. *grrr* I sat in the living room, on the couch and didn't move the whole time. I fell into a deep sleep and when I woke up my humans came back and brought me a gift. Oh boy, I love gifts! I love stuffed animals but they don't buy them for me anymore because my human says I eat them too fast like in five minutes. So this gift. My human told me it's like something that rhymed with bull stick. When I smelled it, my first thought was - I'm not gay. I'm not touching that thing no matter how much my human taunts and teases me with it. It was nice of them for trying. I love my humans!

*Please stop reading if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: Yes, the thanksgiving dinner caught up to him this morning. It was the wettest pile I've seen him make since he was a puppy and got belly aches. It was like a dark chili without beans but with corn. Eeewee! *dry heave* And he squatted like four times but only once more with output. A very little, sickly output. Steve said he did the same thing tonight and got mad at me for feeding him so much human food :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Yummy Thanksgiving

It's just past 11p and Steve & I are winding down. We're listening to classic rock off of Youtube. There was just five of us for Thanksgiving plus Sid and Grey cat. Sid was well behaved for him. There was a long table of appetizers and he didn't touch any of it. Not one chip even. Then during dinner, he didn't go around begging for scraps. He was so good that I gave him a nice sized bowl of dark & white meat turkey, skin, corn & peas. Thank goodness we had leftover turkey for both him and Grey cat. Grey cat woofed hers down. Not as fast as Sid did though. He was out of the kitchen and back to the dining room really quickly. Oh, he didn't jump up on anyone. I was surprised by that, too! Now he's sprawled out on the couch, full as a bull and ready to sleep. So that in a nutshell was Sid's thankgiving dinner.

Voice of Sid: Woo! What a fun day I had and I didn't even go crazy. *pant* I wanted to but for some reason I didn't. Everytime I passed the big, white table in dining room, I smelled the most wonderful things. *inhale* And I know I smelled tortilla chips! It was the first kind of chip I 'stole' from the Fourth of July barbecue. When my human approached me with my bowl of food, I was ready to eat a whole cow. It smelled so good and I wanted to savor every bite but once I started eating, I couldn't stop. I just kept eating and eating. Mmmm. I licked my lips like ten times afterwards. I wish my human gave me a bigger portion :( But it's thanksgiving and I'm thankful for what I got and my humans who love me :)

*Please do not read further if you find fecal matter offensive!

Doodie Update: I wish I could give one. It was dark out and I missed my chance to witness his thanksgiving output. I was upset by this. But I had high hopes that it was big with well-formed, lengthy segments. I don't even think he had tapering difficulty. He didn't linger. I will take a look at it tomorrow. I know where it is.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pieces of Paper

I don't know what it is with Sid, but we can't seem to break him of the habit of stealing socks. He usually tears holes in it. So far though, Sid hasn't eaten a hole in Steve's good socks. He still steals them out of the bedroom, but he doesn't damage them. Maybe he knows better. Steve is very particular about his socks. His favorite socks are called 'smart wool' hiking socks. They're made of merino wool.

Oh, there's another thing we can't seem to break him the habit of doing. And that's stealing napkins or wrappers or anything of that nature - he tears them into little pieces. I can hear him from the kitchen doing it. Sometimes he eats the napkin and I manage to get it out of his mouth half the time. Thank goodness he stopped ripping peoples clothes and scratching them with his big, rough nails. Alright. He hasn't completely stopped jumping up on people. He gets excited for the first few minutes and doesn't listen very well. Then he finally and more quickly (with age) lies down and chills. He's chewing his favorite red crate now. The crate will come up from time to time.

Voice of Sid: I was wired today! I loved it! Sometimes my humans are so much fun. Today, I stole a napkin - shredded it to pieces - *snicker* and didn't get busted for a long time. Then later, I saw a candy wrapper and I stole that too. They caught me right away. *shucks!* I was sorta bummed. I could've played around with them more and really made them mad but for some reason I let them get away with it this time.

*Please stop reading if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: Twice now this week, Sid's nuggets were 'kabobed'. In other words, he had somehow ingested one of my hairs and his nuggets came out looking like a string with balls attached. The nugs were broken. There were torn pieces. He didn't do well in the tapering department either but at least nothing was hanging out of his ass like last time. Yes, one of my hairs again. This update has been exceptionally disgusting.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Nap Surprise

I woke up at 7a and I was way awake. I did some stuff and did a lot of pacing around before I sat down. Then I started to get tired and decided to take a nap. I just woke up from the nap and when I came downstairs, Sid was sprawled all over the couch looking as comfortable as can be. Steve worked from home today because he wasn't feeling well. He thought Sid was up in the bedroom with me because it was so quiet in the living room.

I'm a little bummed. I woke up early cause I passed out around 10:30p last night. And I missed all of it! Apparently Sid fell asleep in the bed (king size) with me. When Steve came upstairs, he didn't kick Sid out of the bedroom as he usually does. So my darling little boy and Steven and me were all in the same bed sleeping last night. By the time I woke up Steve and Sid had gone downstairs. I didn't even know Sid slept with us all night until Steve told me. I'm so bummed. I would've loved to have seen that. I love it when Sid sleeps with me.

He usually sleeps downstairs in the living room and "protects" the house. Really, he's just cozied up and comfy. We have a pellet stove in that room and it keeps it mighty toasty.

Voice of Sid: My human was really tired last night. I followed her up to the bedroom cause the door was actually open. That nasty Grey cat wasn't there. I don't think my human noticed me there even though I'm like 80 lbs. I'm a pretty big boy they tell me. (They also tell me that I'm handsome *smile*.) So anyway, when the taller human with the deeper voice comes to bed, he usually throws me out of the room. But, last night he let me stay. Yey! I was so psyched. Sleeping in bed with my humans is a special treat and I'm happy.

*Please stop reading if you find fecal matter offensive!

Doodie Update: Sid made two piles within a minute apart. The first was ok. Nothing fancy or interesting. Then he made a little one and the second piece was nicely tapered.