Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sid Firepit Boy

We built a great big fire in our awesome fire pit in the side yard. It's like over six feet in diameter with great big rocks. We went into pyro mode and Steve scared the crap out of me. He used a little gasoline to start the flames and it went poof, like a big poof and I thought he'd set himself on fire. He calls himself a professional though when he's had extensive experience with something. He did some major fire training when he was in the Navy as a young buck. Anyhow, Sid played his game, the game for hours that afternoon. We let him dig up the yard and chew away at sticks all over the yard. He was playing non-stop. And because we had him on the tie out, we knew that he'd eventually wrap himself around a tree which he did. But an amazing thing happened. We think he learned. When he was a pup, he'd get stuck all the time. I didn't understand how he could get so wrapped up. And I'd say go around and make the go around thing using my index finger. Well, yesterday, he got it and actually unraveled himself. We were so pleased.

Voice of Sid: I played my game. I hate that stick. I have to pull and paw at it til it gets my message that I mean business. It's not going to get the best of me. I will rule over it. They let me play all day. I didn't want to stop and I didn't. When we went inside I drank a ton of water. I was so thirsty. Then I settled in for a snooze. I was beat. I'm just taking it easy today. It's all wet out. The girl shared some mandarin oranges with me. *lick lips* and Aurrufff! :P

*Please do not read any further if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: He's been pooping in threes. Three medium length (about 2" or so) pieces at a time. The pieces themselves could be smoother and more supple (lol) but at least they're not tearing. And he has no tapering difficulties.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Puppy Cam

I have been keeping an eye on my bulldog puppy cam. They are so adorable and I don't even like bulldogs. Well, now I do. Actually I do like bulldogs, french bulldogs. Our tenant had one and it was the funniest, cutest dog I'd ever seen. I wanted one immediately but we got the wid instead. Steve has always had german shepherds and though I wasn't loving the idea, Sid was offered to us for free. Well, in exchange for his *eh-hem* services. Breeder lady wanted to stud him a couple of times. Yeah, so over a year ago, Sid got laid. And the breeder lady cracked up that he put his head on her back to rest just as his grandfather did. That was when they did the locking thingie. I'd never witnessed breeding before. It didn't feel entirely natural to me. I suppose it was sorta like a doggie version of an arranged marriage. They just kinda went through the motions. *laugh* Sid was probably thinking about...

Voice of Sid: I got some nice treats today. Man, it was awesome. First the girl hands me a huge bite of her roast beef sandwich. I took it to the other room to have some privacy. Then I came back to the kitchen and *drool* she had another treat for me. Then she makes me do this retarded thing. She yells 'upstairs!' And like a fool, I fly up those stairs and sit down at the top of the landing waiting, just dying for her to say okay, come here. Then she points her finger to the floor in front of her and I have to sit down as quickly as possible right in front of her. This is where it can get tricky. It's very hard not to stare at the treat as she's holding it right in front of my face. I can smell it. I can almost taste it. I salivate and she makes me wait and wait and wait. Then she finally says, 'look at me' and I, without a blink, raise my eyes towards her and give her an obedient but gentle look. Then alas, my treat. My treat! My treat, my treat, my treat...Mmm!

*Please do not read any further if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: Lately, Steve's been taking Sid out in the morning and I take him out at night. Therefore, due to the darkness, I've been missing out on a lot of potentially good poos. I'm pretty sure it's become a sickness. I find that I have to watch Sid poo. It satisfies me a great deal and I have no idea why. Am I alone on this?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First Walk

We took the widney to the park yesterday. Oh my goodness. He was so poorly behaved. I thought he was barking aggressively at some of the other dogs, but Steve says it wasn't an aggressive park. He said it was higher pitched which, in my mind, means he just wanted to play. He did get down on all fours several times upon seeing a friendly dog. Sometimes I let him meet other dogs, but usually not when there are too many ppl around. We barely walked a mile. There was a tiny hill here and there but when I woke up this morning - man, it felt like I'd walked ten miles. When Sid came home, he passed out. That is, after his second adventure. We ran a long errand and took him with us to Yonkers, NY. It seems as though Sid does better on concrete with some crowding than he does in the woods. I guess the freedom of the woods makes his brain go nuts or something. Enough from me, here's Sid.

Voice of Sid: I can't believe I got to go out twice today. My humans took me everywhere with them. It was so cool and so much nicer than being trapped in the house. All I ever do is sleep when no one's around or if girl is sitting in front of her monitor. But yesterday, we went to the park and I completely spazzed out. I couldn't help it. I saw other dogs like me and I wanted to say hi and play around. But, sigh, they wouldn't let me so I started barking to get the other dog's attention. My humans didn't like that and kept hushing me. I'm a little tired today but I hope they take me out in the car with them again.

*Please do not read any further if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: The mine field is getting worse. We finally had days where I felt as though I could go on poop patrol. I'm confident that his turds aren't stuck to the ground from the cold. I think I can easily scoop them up. But, a big but. Our pooper scooper thing broke. Steve tried to shake it free from the position it's been sitting in for months and it broke. So now we have to go buy one or our yard will continue to look like a war zone. Yey! Crap!