Sunday, January 4, 2009


We had a few errands to run and decided to take Sid, the wid. First we stopped off at our local little market for cigarettes then we headed off to McDonald's. I gave Sid his first taste of an egg mcmuffin with a piece of hashbrown. Then we had to go to the hardware store within the same large parking lot. We had to leave the first parking space we chose because there was a little dog sitting in the driver's seat of the car next to us. Sid would've flipped. Then I thought we were in the clear, but as I was waiting for Steve to return from the store, I noticed that Sid was quite enamored of the sea gulls all over the place. I've seen them there before. I don't know why they gather there. When we got home, I took Sid down the driveway so that he could take care of business and that he did. Then I took him in and fed him his breakfast. I washed out his food bowl while he sat and waited patiently behind me. His thing was popping out as he watched me prepare his food. Yes folks, he had a woody. He didn't move. He just sat and watched. By the time, I got the plain yogurt out to add to his food, he couldn't stand it any longer and walked towards the counter. I fed him right away.

Voice of Sid: Oh boy! I got to go on a car ride with my humans. They can be so good sometimes. We stopped off at a lot of different places and I saw some interesting things. There was this little dog in the car next to us. I wanted to eat it. Then I saw the sea gulls, I wanted to eat them too but I was trapped in the back seat. The girl gave me a piece of her food like she almost always does. There was egg and cheese and potato stuff on an...what did she call it? Oh yeah, english muffin. It was Mmm mmm good. I wish she gave me a bigger piece. It was McDelicious. When we got home, oh man - car rides always do it to me. I was pinching my ass and breathing heavily the whole time. When I got home, I pulled the girl fast down to my landing strip and I *eh hem* took care of business. Then when she was getting ready to feed me, I got happy. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow then she fed me quickly.

*Please do not read any further if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: I could not believe it. This is a first. Sid is usually very careful about the location of his pile in relation to locations of other nearby piles. He usually leaves ample space between the piles but today, he made a pile right on top of another pile. And I was all, well I'll be...He quickly stepped over and around it. I don't think he got any on his foot but he was awfully close. I don't think he even saw it. I'm going to blame mother nature for this. I haven't had a chance to do poop patrol cause the snow keeps covering them up. As the snow melts, more will be revealed.

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