Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yard time

More yard time yesterday. Yes, and another great big ole fire. I was finishing off the rest of my mini-keg of Heineken and feeling nice. Steve and guest were straightening things out around the house. Mostly throwing stuff away. Thank goodness. Anyway, as they were rummaging through the house, I was watching the fire and playing with Sid. He has got such strong prey drive that it's frustrating trying to play fetch with him. He just won't give up the toy or stick. Anyway, Sid had another fun day. Oh, and the beer got to me yesterday. I vomited in the corner of the yard. Nobody saw me except Sid. And maybe the neighbors if they were looking out their window. The thought of it embarrasses me. I'll let you hear from Sid now.

Voice of Sid: Another happy day for me :P I'm happy as a clam and I like clam shells to play with on the beach. The guy and this kid were playing with me outside and letting me dig and dig anywhere I wanted. The girl went inside and I didn't see her for a while. Then when she came out, she played with me some more. Later, when it was just me and her, I saw her vomiting by the wooden fence. She stayed there for some time making all sorts of noises. I just sat and watched her quietly. Then she was okay.

*Please do not read any further if you find fecal matter offensive!!!

Doodie Update: I paid especially close attention to this one so that I could give you a more interesting and detailed report. There were five segments in total. And there was an oddball out. Different color. It was darker than the rest. I believe it was the second nug to exit his anus. The others had a hint of dark green to its browness. It was kind of pretty. Like, i wouldn't mind an article of clothing in that color :P I'm disgusting :) A quick word about the last taper piece. It did have a nice taper and color, but the texture was off. It looked as though he ingested a large amount of hair. Like if you pulled hair out of the shower drain and mixed it up with dog crap, then that's how it looked. *eyebrow thing*